I Have Finished Volume 1 of My First Draft
As of 2 September 2021, volume 1 of the first handwritten draft of The Tree of Vines book 1 is done at 189 pages and 17 full chapters. It's taken just under three years to get here, and even though it does feel like an achievement, it feels small, if not necessarily unimportant. I originally posted something along the lines of this that I actually finished writing the first volume, but by the time I remembered that I promised to expand and rewrite it, it had already been eighteen days.I've maybe waited a tad too long (if accidentally so), because the excitement has worn off, and I'm just at a different state altogether than I was at the time. I wrote the first 189 pages in quite the high quality notebook that at the time, I honestly thought could easily be replaced and added to, but after a bit of research, it turns out to be quite unlikely. The notebook in question was gifted to me right after my family went on vacation to Chicago, a whole state or two away (assuming you...