Introduction: The "Elusive" Prologue

The world was, at one time, made of two realms; the Realm of the Clouds and the Realm of the Abyss. Above, in the Realm of the Clouds lived many beings at one time, but now only an unnamed species live there who are simply called the People of the Clouds. These People of the Clouds each possessed a different ability, although not necessarily unique to the other. One in particular was blessed with the ability to willfully enhance his physical capabilities at any given time.

He, however, had a rarely "useless" ability, one that was mocked. In anger, he tore apart the Realm of the Clouds, leaving many of his fellow Cloud People to fall into the Realm of the Abyss, a place so far below the Realm of the Clouds that no light could ever touch even its air. Many fell to their death, some may have survived and became corrupted into Abyssals, and fewer still clung onto the Realm of the Clouds. Unable to climb back up, they teamed up to create a new surface in which to dwell on. This became the third Realm of their world; the Realm of the Earth.

As generations passed on the Realm of the Earth, their descendants grew smaller and weaker, their lifespans drastically shortening each time until they eventually became small and numerous enough that they gave themselves their own name; Humans. These beings, although on a smaller scale to their ancestors, still inherited the People of the Cloud's mysterious trait - each Human held onto an ability of their own. More often then not, the same or similar to others to a greater extent, but still equal in its possible variety and seeming randomness.

The People of the Clouds continually lived long past their descendants, and it came to such an extent that, despite never forgetting their origin, the humans looked up to the Cloud People not only as their ancestors, but as gods. However, too many disagreed who was the god of what, and arguments broke up, and eventually escalated into wars spanning centuries.

Some Cloud People came to be convinced that they deserved their prayer, some fought alongside their descendants simply out of love, and others stayed back or were otherwise forced to fight, but eventually, so many Humans the People of the Clouds had died that they grew exhausted of the fighting. With only a relative few Cloud People still alive, the surviving tribes agreed on a single - albeit incomplete - pantheon, and unanimously decided to simply leave each other to their own devices.

Kingdoms formed, languages were born, and the separation between the tribes grew.


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