2021: A Journey Back Into The Tree of Vines
And started to write The Tree of Vines for 2021! Started a little later, but I feel like I've got a few pages in me of content for this month. Admittedly, that's not a whole lot, but I do think it'll be more than last January, for what difference that makes.
I can't believe 2020 was my first full year of writing The Tree of Vines. It went by so fast! The evidence that I still managed to write 73 pages makes it clear that a year really did pass. I wish I wrote as much as I did in 2019, but at the same time I don't regret waiting for ideas to bake in my head before I'd continue writing.
The story is and will always be focused on the world, characters, and their histories, but it's intensely difficult to do this without one or the other. It feels like there was a long time I had neither to introduce, and therefore had it on a hiatus. Of course, this year is very unlikely to be any different, but I hope I can write more pages. Maybe 80 pages?
The exact amount of pages in the first volume of my first draft is currently 46 pages, which happens to line up with 146, where I'm starting from in 2021, I just noticed!So that would mean I will most certainly finish this volume and have to move onto another notebook. Truthfully, I'd like one as similar as this one as possible. I really like the page sizes and the ruling on it. If I hadn't lost a few pages and had a few necessary notes / index page, it would have contained the first 200 pages of the series.
Well, thankfully I'm more tired than I would normally be at this hour. I haven't yet finished page 146, but I do intend to after waking up. I want to thank the people who have been listening to my stories. You inspired me to continue writing and conceptualizing, and without you this would take much, much longer.
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