Tree of Vines - What It Would Sound Like
I love music as much as anyone, and amongst one of the many things I look forward to is the music. To me, the music is extremely important in establishing atmosphere, and this is really, really hard to depict without knowing your instruments and how to write music for them. I do not, but at least I know what instruments I associate with the sounds of Tree of Vines.
This list, in all likelihood, is to change and be added to. Ideally, I'd like to also divide it by eras... the following list should be more or less self explanatory in the context of The Tree of Vines.
War of the Lords Era
- Taiko drummers
- Traditional Japanese festival drummers. Sounds very war like, and at one time were used as such
- Carnyx
- An ancient Celtic horn. Eerie sounding, and most important ancient sounding. I think it depicts the war and history of this world
- Native American Flute
- An instrument used for mysticism, ancient mysteries and magics. In a sense, I imagine these the most in a Native American sort of sense, which for me really oozes mysticism and ancient. The sound also represents nostalgia.
- Flute
- Paired with the Native American flute, I think it could be absolute perfection. Genuinely, writing this thought makes me anxious with excitement to hear these two types mixed to create such an atmosphere.
Modern Era
- Trombones
- A diverse instrument. Most of the stories will take place in the relative "modern" era for The Tree of Vines. To me they can work in war settings, and be used to represent strong hope.
- Carnyx
- Ditto, but also its use in Modern and War of the Lords represents that not much has actually changed. Humans are still cloaked in tradition, and some would die for it. People have, and people will.
- Harps
- Honestly, you cannot make a medieval/renaissance inspired story and not expect harps to be in there somewhere. It's basic, admittedly, but I hope to balance it out with the other instruments that will eventually be added.
- Native American Flute
- Ditto, but also it'd represent nature as it is now. In this sense, it'd sound and feel similar, perhaps, but if it were possible to make it more nature focused, and slightly less mystery based, I think it would be perfect for The Tree of Vines.
- Dark Techno
- Now this is where it'd get REALLY unique. Now, normally you'd think techno as sci-fi, maybe modern, and sometimes horror. And that's where this comes in. There is tons of weird stuff and abilities. Some abilities are mind-bendingly absurd, and in some way even humans in this world know that. And that's what this would represent.
Instruments I Do Not Think Would Fit
- Trumpets
- I like trumpets, and at one time played one, but their clear bronze sound isn't fitting for a medieval setting. It reminds me of far more modern times. Mind you, I do mean for the soundtrack, and I do mean more modern ones. There are of course ancient trumpets that would fit perfectly for the world, perhaps even the soundtrack.
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